About Judita

I have 20 years of experience as an international journalist, historian, lecturer, event organizer and media consultant.
Since 2010 I have been regularly visiting Denmark, because of my research of 80 Czech Jewish teens saved by Danes during WWII. This story caused that Denmark became my new home.
In August 2020 I moved to Denmark. During the autumn semester, I was a guest teacher at the department of history of Aarhus University and also at the Danish School of Media and Journalism.
Now I am ready for new activities as a freelancer.
Have a look at my LinkedIn profile where you can find more not only about my previous activities but also the references from international professionals.
My main focus is on stories from history, culture, education and NGO´s activities. Here you can see visuals from my articles, from famous American writer Helen Epstein to exhibition review about photographer Lee Miller in Albertina Museum Vienna to travel article about Weimar and new Bauhaus museum or Lodz, the Polish city, where David Lynch filmed his movie Inland Empire.
I am a freelance journalist since 2003, where I started to work for main Czech newspapers Lidove noviny. I cooperate with women´s weekly magazine Vlasta and online newspapers Denik N.
"Journalistic work is full of joy, surprises, but also very painful moments. It is an endless adventure." This is what I am saying to my students. I have been a teacher at the Department of Journalism at the Charles University in Prague between the year 2017 - 2020.
In August 2020 I have accepted an offer to be a guest teacher for autumn semester at the department of history at Aarhus University and also a guest teacher at Danish School of Media and Journalism in Aarhus. Since January 2020 I work as a freelance lecturer, organizer of events and media consultant in Denmark.
Except for this pedagogical work at universities I am also a lecturer of media workshops, where I explain, how to present your project in media, what kind of materials are relevant for media and how to be prepared for an interview with journalists. Would you like to start media training?
I have been working on various historical projects since 2003. I am the co-founder of a project about world-famous author Franz Kafka. In 2010 I founded a historical research project about a forgotten group of 80 Czech Jewish teenagers, who survived in Denmark thanks to foster families. During five years of historical research, I found 30 of these survivors and reunited them after 70 years. The main result of this project is my book The friendship in spite of Hitler, I am the author of the exhibition, educational program and author of the script of the documentary film Into the North.
Sometimes it starts with one article and grows up until much more. I have organized reunions of holocaust survivors, I created exhibitions about historical and cultural events, which were shown all around the world. I never do something traditional, I always follow specific stories in the project.
Do you have project/research and you would like to show it to the public audience? I will create the whole concept, how it could be shown and find relevant partners for your project.
Kafka Expert
Franz Kafka is one of the well-known and famous persons, who were born in Prague. His literary works are considered as masterpieces of the literature and also influenced many authors and genres of the 20th century. The project "Journeys of Franz K." was founded in 2003 by Czech photographer Jan Jindra, who invited me as a co-author.
We wanted to destroy stereotypes about Kafka as a pessimist, who lived in Prague and had no other interest except writing. We did documentation about 70 places all around Europe, where he went on a holiday. He enjoyed a natural lifestyle, he was vegetarian. Kafka admired technology and innovations as aeroplanes and metro. The main result of our project is the exhibition, a book of photos and also lectures about Kafka, which I had all around Europe.
In 2024 we published the book in Czech publishing house Labyrint, which represents results of our research. There are photos from Czechia, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and France. Modern graphic layout was created by Czech designer Sara Hlasenka. Excerpts from our book - see the gallery below ths text. Now our book is in Czech version, but of course we would like to find publisher in other countries, who we can introduce our book to foreign readers.
Tourism Expert
I have been travelling all around the world not only as a tourist but also as a journalist. I always see the concrete location from two perspectives: as a foreigner and as a journalist. Now it is time for tourism restarter, so you can attract tourists to your location and also find out more about your presentation from tourists and journalistic perspective.
I will explore the terrain of your location, analyze the current presentation of the city from the perspective of foreign tourist and journalist. I will prepare a proposal for changes in the presentation and a proposal for a press trip so that this offer will be interesting for journalists in your locality. I write travel articles (see below in photo gallery) for the main Czech lifestyle weekly magazine Vlasta (160 000 readers/ week) and also I can connect you with Czech journalists and inform them about your activities in the town.
Also, my very favourite activity in co-operation with the official website of CzechTourism, where I publish stories about lifestyle, historical and cultural topics. I am also communication manager for 14 regional offices of CzechTourism in the Czech Republic.
Do you need more tourists at your location? Order my tourism restarter kit!